Friday, November 12, 2010

saturday romance II

Cinderella walked upon broken glass,
Sleeping beauty let a whole lifetime pass,
Belle fall in love with a hideous beast,
Jasmine married a common thief,
Ariel walked on land for love and life,
Snow white barely escaped a knife,
Yeah, love is sweet and blood and tears... 

I love being married,
Its so great to find one special person
you want to annoy for the rest of your life.

Meant to be :
Mickey and Minnie,
Romeo and Juliet,
The moon and stars,
Movie and popcorn,
Pen and paper,
Cookies and milk,
me and you...

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you,
I could walk forever in my garden.  
-Charlie Brown

The greatest ironies of life:
having the right person at the wrong time,
having the wrong person when the time is right,
and finding out that you love someone after that person walks out of your sight ....
-Dr. V. Para

 Excuse me,
I want cupid shoot himself with his own damn arrow,
so he can learn how much love hurts!

Tragedy is when I cut my finger.
Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die.
-Murphy's Laws of Sex

...and she's so scared to get close to anyone,
because everyone that ever said 'I'll be there',

But if you wanna leave, you can.
I'll remember you, tough
just like I remember everyone that leaves.

Sometimes you have to fall down from the mountain
to realize what you are climbing for.
Obstacles are placed in our way to see
if what we want is really worth fighting for.
From every wound there's a scar,
and every scar tells a story,

A story that says :
I was deeply wounded but I survive.

Sometimes a person lets go, 
just because their fingers are too tired of holding on.
They'll always love you, tough
no matter what...


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